A small village in Moldova near the border with Ukraine.
In response to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, Mission10:14 is working with a partnering church in Moldova to assist Ukrainian refugees who have fled their homes and are now seeking shelter in a neighboring country. Although this opportunity is outside of our normal geographic focus in West Africa, we have had these connections in the Moldova region for almost 20 years. Additionally, Africans who have been in Ukraine for school and work have also been caught up in the crisis. Beyond that, the need is too great to ignore, and we desire to be a source of help and encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are working daily to relieve the suffering of many.
Therefore, if you desire to be a part of this outreach opportunity, or are looking for a way to assist in the Ukrainian crisis, here is one way you can help:
To Give:
Select HERE and you will be taken to the Mission10:14 giving page. Specify your donation for Moldova-Ukraine. One hundred percent of your donation will be forwarded to our partners in Moldova to assist in the care and provision for refugees from Ukraine.