What We Do
Mission10:14 works to disciple new believers and equip them to become leaders who will take what they have learned and teach it to others. The process of discipleship is critical in the development of the local church, and an important part of helping new believers grow in faith and persevere through trials that will come. Teaching and discipleship is a great opportunity for our partners who want to serve as volunteers and help establish the church among unreached people groups.
Annually, Mission10:14 holds Discipleship Seminars that bring together believers in surrounding villages for the purpose of studying God’s Word and being encouraged by other believers. For some, these seminars serve as the main form of teaching they will receive in any given year. Most villages are remote, and there may only be one or two believers living nearby. Therefore, with no trained leaders in the area, it is difficult for many believers to gain a rapid understanding of how to live by faith and follow Christ in daily living. In response, Mission10:14 and its partners work to fill this gap for new believers.
And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.—2 Timothy 2:2
In early 2011, Mission10:14 took a discipleship team to Ko to teach the Scriptures to Sid and any of his neighbors who would listen. Under a tarp in the mid-day sun, we encouraged him and a few other believers from a nearby village (with whom he can now worship), and used the opportunity to share the gospel with others in Ko.