What We Do
The Village Garden Project entails establishing cooperative gardens to primarily assist women in their respective villages, providing improved and sustainable food sources.
Mission10:14 funds the digging of wells and provides a sturdy fence for the gardens, while the women provide labor and some personal tools for working the gardens. The wells are dug by hand and cost $140 each. The fence is metal and serves to protect the garden space from cattle and sheep, as well as other animals that may roam freely. Garden produce allows the workers to support their families with food to eat and sell. As with any of our transformational projects, the Garden project is interwoven with our ultimate and overarching goal of seeing people come to Christ and churches planted in every village where we work.
Volunteer teams can also be involved as we establish new gardens and assist the women and their families. They can work in the gardens side-by-side with village residents, establishing relationships and building trust among the people groups in which we work. If you have interest in joining a volunteer team to work in a garden project, contact us.
In order to help sponsor a Garden Project, you may do so in the following ways: