
Western African Old Man

And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh

Light into the Darkness 

Light into the Darkness Men, women, and children gather in the center of their village to watch the Jesus film being shown under a mango tree. Nighttime often provides the best opportunity to meet with individuals from a particular village who are willing to gather and hear a message from God’s word, to watch a film, or […]

Making Disciples

Making Disciples In His book, Disciples are Made, Not Born, Walter Henrichsen encourages Christians to live lives that are not self-focused, and to focus our lives on making disciples for Jesus. With many of us the process of making disciples might seem to be nothing more than simply fitting that activity into what we are already doing on a […]

Helping Prevent Malaria

Helping Prevent Malaria Over the past five years, Mission10:14 has been engaged in helping to reduce the cases of malaria with its Net the Village (NtV) project. Through the generous donations of our partners and friends, we are able to help protect lives by the gift of a treated mosquito net. Net the Village aims to combat […]